About Alba Carolina

Alba Carolina Citadel restoration finished in 2014, which finally gave back the citadel its 18th century look and feel. At first, the citadel had 6 gates, while today, only 3 of them are kept in their initial form, The First Gate, The Third Gate and The Forth Gate. The Third Gate is the most important access point into the Citadel, because it takes you right to the heart of Alba Carolina. There, you can find plenty of sculptures, fight scenes, weapons, flags, trophies and decorations.

The main attraction of the 3rd Gate is the fact that everyday, around 12 o’clock, the guardsmen change shifts, which is considered an amazing tourist attraction, enjoyed by the tourists that come here from all around the world.

As cultural events, you can find a lot of interesting things to do and see in Alba Iulia, such as :

  • The Alba Iulia Music and Film Festival , which takes place every year in September
  • The City’s Day, which is celebrated every year at the end of May.
  • The National Day of Romania Celebration on the 1st of December, when hundreds of thousands from all over the country gathers here to celebrate.
  • The Folk Festival, which takes place in November

Welcome to Alba Iulia!

(excerpt from “Your Guide to Transilvania”)